Fuel Pressure limiter, CR system
On Fuel Pump ,
Pressure Relief Valve
Analogous, Fully interchangeable with BOSCH 1 467 445 006 :
0910414 ,51111070022 ,51.11107.0022 ,51 11107 0022 ,
BOSCH 1467445006 can Be Fitted To The Below Fuel Pumps:
0470504017 ,0470506009 ,0470506019 ,0470506023 ,0470506039 ,0470506045 ,0470506047 ,0470506048 , |
!!! Please, check manufacturer's part number(usually stamped into plastic or body) before ordering !!!
The best way to buy this part is to get the number from your existing unit.
You can contact us with your car details (make, model, year, body type, hp, engine code if known) so we can find the part required.
Please make sure your existing part number matches one of the numbers listed above.
If the number/s do not match, then the part will not work with your vehicle.
If you need more information please do not hesitate to contact us .
BOSCH 1467445007 ,
Pressure Limiter, CR system ,Overflow Valve ,
Pressure Relief Valve ,common rail system
Überdruckventil ,
Soupape de limitation de pression ,
Válvula de alivio de presión ,
Válvula de alívio de pressão,
Valvola di sovrappressione ,
Paineenrajoitusventtiili ,
Övertrycksventil ,
Trykkavlastningsventil ,
Overtryksventil ,
Bhaltair Faochadh Brùthadh,
Þrýstingur léttir loki,
Drukventiel ,
Comhla Faoiseamh Brú,
Survekaitseklapp ,
Slėgio mažinimo vožtuvas,
Pārspiediena vārsts ,
Zawór upustowy,
Redukční ventil,
Pretlakový ventil ,
Ventil za razbremenitev tlaka,
Ventil za smanjenje tlaka,
Nyomáscsökkentő szelepet ,
Valvă de eliberare a presiunii ,
Valve li Jtaffi l-Pressjoni,
Injap pelega tekanan,
Valvula e presionit të presionit,
Presio erliebe balbula,
Ventil za smanjenje pritiska,
압력 감쇄 밸브 ,
วาล์วระบายความดัน ,
दबाव राहत मुड़ने वाला फाटक ,
صمام تخفيف الضغط ،
Βαλβίδα εκτόνωσης πίεσης ,
Ճնշման օգնության փական,
שסתום שחרור לחץ ,
דרוק רילייווז וואַלוו,
Basınç tahliye valfi ,
Клапан за притисок,
Клапан за освобождаване на налягането,
Клапан скидання тиску ,
Ахоўны клапан,
Клапан сброса давления ,

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