- Superseded Part Number: 0261545059 ,0261545112 ,0261545003 ,0261545009 ,0261545036 ,
- Fits for Vehicles: AUDI ,SEAT ,SKODA ,VW
- Thread: M10x1.0
- Additional Info: Pressure range bar:140
- On sale!

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Technical data:
Pressure range bar(MPa): 1800(180)
Pressure-sensor type: RDS4
Input voltage, max. Us: 16
Power-supply voltage UV: 5 ±0.25
Threat: M12x1,5
3 terminal
BOSCH | 0281002398 ,0281005850 ,0281002767 ,F00R004272 ,0281006190 , |
ALFA ROMEO | 4897501 ,504052424 , |
ALPINA | 1353111 , |
CUMMINS | 4897225 ,4937283 ,5263118 , |
CASE IH | 4897501 , |
CHRYSLER | 5072726AA ,68002740AA , |
DAF | 1404007 , |
LANCIA | 4897501 ,504052424 , |
FIAT | 4897501 ,504052424 , |
FORD | BG5X9F479AA ,BG5X-9F479-AA , |
IVECO | 42561085 ,4897501 ,504052424 , |
ISUZU | 8-97329-566-0 ,8973295660 , |
KHD | 4213028 , |
MAN | 51274210290 , |
RENAULT | 7701069618 ,166384364R , |
VOLVO | 8631588 , |
VM Motori | 45962063G , |
The best way to buy this part is to get the number from your existing unit.
You can contact us with your car details (make, model, year, body type, hp, engine code if known) so we can find the part required.
Please make sure your existing part number matches one of the numbers listed above.
If the number/s do not match, then the part will not work with your vehicle.
If you need more information please do not hesitate to contact us .
Fuel pressure sensor ,CR SYSTEM ,
Kraftstoff Drucksensor ,Kraftstoffdrucksensor ,
Сензор Гориво налягане ,
Paliva Snímač tlaku ,
Brændstof tryksensor ,
Capteur de pression de carburant,système CR ,
Brandstofdruksensor ,CR-systeem ,
Gorivo senzor tlaka ,CR sustav ,
Eldsneyti þrýstingur skynjari,CR kerfi ,
Sensore di pressione carburante,sistema CR ,
燃料圧力センサ,CRシステム ,
Fuel trykksensor ,Drivstofftrykk Sensor bränsletryck ,
Czujnik ciśnienia paliwa ,
Sensor de pressão de combustível ,
Senzorul de presiune a combustibilului,CR sistem ,
Palivá Snímač tlaku,systém CR ,
Pritisk goriva senzor ,
Polttoaineen paine-anturi ,Polttoaine paine tunnistin,CR-järjestelmä ,
Sensor de presión de combustible,sistema de CR ,
Датчик тиску палива,CR система ,
Üzemanyag nyomás érzékelő,CR rendszer ,
Bränsle trycksensor,CR-system ,
საწვავის წნევის სენსორი,CR სისტემა ,
Αισθητήρα πίεσης καυσίμου,CR σύστημα ,
Датчик давления топлива ,
חיישן לחץ דלק,ברענוואַרג דרוק סענסער,
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Data sheet
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May fits for other, not listed, Vehicles-Models
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